Executives in Africa attend prestigious African Leadership event in Oxford

Executives in Africa attend prestigious African Leadership event in Oxford
Richard Putley, EiA Managing Director and Colleen McIntyre, Consultant recently attended a prestigious event at Rhodes House, Oxford as guests of the Board of the African Leadership Institute.
The occasion marked the presentations made by the class of 2015 Tutu Fellows. EiA was closely involved in the search for a new Chief Operating Officer for AFLI, and both Richard and Colleen described the event as “most enlightening” and were impressed with the calibre of the bright and impressive individuals who have been identified as leaders within their continent.
Watched over by portraits of both Cecil Rhodes & Nelson Mandela in the beautiful meeting room of Rhodes House in Oxford, a gathering place for Rhodes scholars, who’s alumni includes Bill Clinton and Kris Kristofferson, the class of 25 Fellows presented on three topics concerning key issues facing the continent of Africa. These topics were three of the key challenges the Group believes are faced by the African Continent namely African Competition, Corruption and Foreign Influence – subjects that not unexpectedly prompted live discussion and questions from the floor!
“Being invited to attend a lively and topical address like this is something we are proud of as it is as a direct result of our commitment to working these organisations. Colleen and I have been bowled over with the dedication, knowledge and passion from the Class of Fellows we have seen here today.” enthused Richard Putley