Submit your CV

Submit your CV
If you are actively looking for a new position or would be interested in hearing about opportunities that we are currently working on, then please send through a MS Word version of your most up-to date CV via the Attach file button at the bottom of the form to the left.
Your CV will be held within a secure confidential database and we will not release any specific information about you, in either written or verbal form, to any Client or third party without acquiring your express permission to do so beforehand.
If we do not have any active Searches which would suit your profile immediately, we will keep your details within our database and as soon as we are mandated on a suitable Search, we will contact you directly. By submitting your CV, you are confirming that you have read and are in agreement with our Data Protection Policy.
If you have not already done so, we also request that you connect via LinkedIn to our Director, Kiera Mauro.
We would like to thank you for your interest in Executives in Africa.