Board Appointments and NEDs

Board Appointments and NEDs
The value that is placed on genuinely independent Directors has been growing in recent years to ensure boards are able to balance broad strategic thinking, strong commercial and ethical judgement with robust corporate governance. Indeed most governance codes recommend there should be no ties between independent board members and the executive team or with controlling shareholder groups.
Additionally there is an increasing requirement to improve diversity on Boards.
Executives in Africa’s extensive African Board and NED network has been gained through running over a thousand senior level appointments since we started the business in 2010 across a wide range of sectors.
We would be pleased to discuss our a strong track record in supporting our clients to appoint Non-Executive Directors and Chairman positions that help balance their Boards through targeting leaders from our networks with specific skills and expertise.
Please call Sarah to discuss your current hiring needs for Board Appointments on: +44 7900 996609 .
Alternatively, you can fill out the form below and one of our CEOs will be in touch with you shortly.