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News Archive

Meet the Finalists: “Best UK Overseas Operation”

Executives in Africa are excited to announce that we are finalists in the highly coveted category of “Best UK Overseas Operation”, for the Global Recruiter Awards being held in June at Café de Paris, London.  The annual awards have an unprecedented reputation within the recruitment industry for recognising the best of the best.  It is […]

What is Driving Localisation Strategies Across Africa? by Steve Hasson, Executive Search Consultant

When talking about where his replacement will come from, Jack Welch, GE’s CEO, recently stated that this leader will likely have had significant exposure to working in one or more emerging markets locations; “An executive cannot develop a global perspective on business or become comfortable with foreign cultures by staying at headquarters or taking short […]

Are your Managers playing Hiring Russian Roulette?

We all know that accessing High Potential candidates at Senior Management Level is critical for succession planning for your leaders of the future. But are your Hiring Managers effectively playing Hiring Russian Roulette in their most important job;  the recruitment, development and retention of your organisation’s most important asset, your people? When deciding on a […]

What opportunities do the Youth of Africa present? Elizabeth Bintloff, CEO, Junior Achievement Africa, shares her thoughts

One of the challenges I face when I talk to people outside of our mission space about the subject of youth in Africa is that there is not always a clear understanding of who Africa’s youth are.  The media and other sources frame our assumptions about all youth, and for African youth especially, the references […]

Ethiopia, Land of Opportunity or Challenges? Keith Veir shares his experience

Ethiopia is a nation rich in culture, tradition, history and a remarkable mountain landscape.  Rising 2,300 meters above sea level, the nation’s capital Addis Ababa, has made advancements in infrastructure, airport, rail transportation and hydroelectric dam development.  Statistically, the economic and population growth of Ethiopia appears to offer significant opportunity for foreign investments in many […]

Growth Later vs Growth Now – Can Interim assistance in Africa deliver real value?

As a Managing Director who has launched and developed 6 different businesses in Africa I have worked with EiA in several different capacities. I have been a potential candidate, I have worked for CEOs they have placed and I have been on the client side a number of times.  While I would wholeheartedly endorse their […]

With 70% of our hires being African Nationals, is the historic reliance on expats for leadership roles coming to an end?

The historic reliance on ex-pats for leadership roles in Africa is dwindling due to the rise of both indigenous and international companies committed to developing local talent.  By nurturing career development in high potential African talent which in turn breeds corporate loyalty, the best African nationals are generally well looked after and are therefore not […]

What were the most read articles of 2017 and what would you like to hear more about?

Over the last 12 months Executives in Africa has shared a myriad of articles with our Clients and Candidates via our monthly mailer.  Topics have ranged from the latest news articles and changes in the political, social and economic climate across the African continent, to sector specific highlights across a broad range of industries, as […]

What is the Best Way to Find Scarce Skills? Read our Case Study on how we searched globally for Thermal Power expertise for a role in East Africa

Introduction: Our client, a Multinational Power Generation Solutions Provider required an experienced Sales Manager with a strong technical focus to further develop the market across multiple industries in Eastern Africa within a highly technical sub-sector. The Situation The sales strategy in the region had previously been driven by the Managing Director based in the Middle […]

How to Succeed in an Interview – Fiona Rhys shares her thoughts on how to properly prepare and beat your competition

Most people would assume that senior business leaders, by the nature of them having achieved that level in their career, know how to best present their most relevant skills in an interview.  This is not necessarily true and let me demonstrate this with a situation Executives in Africa experienced a couple of years ago. We […]