Executives in Africa intern Helen Clear heads to Tanzanian Orphanage

Executives in Africa intern Helen Clear heads to Tanzanian Orphanage

Executives in Africa is always keen to review fundraising towards projects in African regions and when one of their Researchers, Helen Clear, 23, suggested that she may look at the option to take a sabbatical at an orphanage in Africa, both EiA MD’s, Sarah Fitzgerald and Richard Putley, were keen to support her.

“When Helen first told us that she was considering giving some time to an orphanage we were delighted. The fact that a member of our team had become so engaged with Africa was inspiring and so we are keen to remain working with her.” Commented Sarah Fitzgerald, Managing Director.

Helen found the Forever Angels charity which is based in Tanzania, on line, and because it is an English charity with English owners, she was able to talk and discuss their role and hers at length. When she presented the charity to Fitzgerald and Putley, both MDs agreed that they would match any sum she raised herself with a contribution from the business.

Forever Angels Baby Home provides interim care for abandoned, orphaned and HIV positive children who have no one else to care for them. The Home provides up to 50 children with a loving, stimulating environment caring for their mental, physical, social, emotional and health needs until a more permanent family can be found for them. Fitzgerald and Putley have matched Helen’s fundraising efforts making a contribution from Executives in Africa directly to the charity and which they hope will have a significant effect on these children’s lives.

“I spent some time working in a similar environment in Sri Lanka a few years ago and I found it extremely rewarding to see some of the children improving and being restored to better health. I am really excited to be heading out to Tanzania until December. I am sure it will be the experience of a lifetime.” Concluded Helen.

HC Tanzania

Helen, left, and her friend after completing a fundraising run earlier this year!



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