EiA Learning

EiA Learning
EiA are delighted to be partnered with Paul Marsh and Lightbulb to offer our clients in Africa access to EiA Learning, a suite of unique and highly practical training content around People Management and Performance Management.
Lightbulb’s Painless People Management Programme for managers/leaders has run for years to organisations globally and has a 96% recommendation rate in post-surveys. Paul Marsh has run webinars for EiA clients across Africa over the years as well as supporting them with improving the impact of performance management via his training programmes.
Through EiA Learning, we are delighted to be able to offer this programme, which covers five core modules across a flexible 20 week period: Managing Teams for Overnight Results, Difficult Conversations Made Simple, Targeting and Managing Performance, The ‘Chameleon Manager’ at Work and ‘Time-Management for Busy People.
If you would like to talk about rolling the programme out to groups or individuals within your organisation contact:
Sarah at sf@executivesinafrica.com
Richard at rp@executivesinafrica.com or
Paul at paul@lightbulb.work