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Where in the World?
Graham Palfery-Smith, Director and Board Adviser to several international Companies, including Executives in Africa, discusses the challenges of compliance around the world. Read the article in full here: Where in the World?
Executives in Africa Team in Lagos
The EIA consulting team are busy meeting candidates and clients in Lagos this week. Also busy preparing for the invitation only Client Reception this evening.
Executives in Africa Business Trip to Lagos
Eight of the Executives in Africa Team will be in Lagos next week to meet with candidates and clients. We will be holding a Client Evening Reception (Registration required) on Monday 7th October in Victoria Island. We will be discussing ‘Doing your Due Diligence before Hiring Senior Executives’ with a short presentation from Richard Putley […]
Nigeria: Bubbles, brands and new consumers
Sarah Fitzgerald, Managing Director of ‘Executives in Africa’, was recently asked by specialist Insights and Strategy Consultants, ‘Wine Intelligence’, why champagne sales were growing so rapidly in Nigeria. Read their article on Nigeria; Bubbles, Brands and New Consumers here
Photo Competition Terms and Conditions 2015
By submitting an Image to Executives in Africa, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions: Only high resolution photos of 300dpi will be accepted and must be tagged with @ExecsinAfrica #EIA5Years #Africa and #PhotoCompetition Executives in Africa are granted permission to use the Image throughout the world for any of its commercial or […]
A well for Mwamanga Primary School in Kenya
Executives in Africa were pleased to provide the financial support required to supply and install a fresh water drinking well in the Mwamanga Primary School in Kenya. This pump means that the Children do not have to carry their own water to school with them in the morning and that there is now running water […]