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From In-House Recruiter to Executive Search – A Unique Insight into Your Recruitment Challenges

We are excited to announce that Steve Hasson has recently joined the Executives in Africa team.  A Zimbabwean by birth, educated in both Zimbabwe and South Africa, and with nearly ten years’ experience recruiting senior level hires for PZ Cussons in Africa (and globally), Steve has already had a positive impact on the EiA team, enabling […]

My $600,000 Hiring Mistake and How You Can Avoid It. By John Agnew.

I write this specifically for you and I am one of you. That’s assuming that you are a business owner, Managing Director or HR professional engaged in an African market with turnover of anywhere from $500k to $500M. I am not a recruitment industry professional and I don’t have any plans to become one.  I […]

Are Localisation Strategies Realistic in Emerging Sectors? By Nicki Halle, Consultant

Emerging and rapidly developing industries and sectors, such as Technology, Agriculture and Financial Services are fast becoming strong contributors to the success of economies across the African continent.  Critical to the continued success of these emerging sectors is the human capital driving the expansion, but this talent is in scarce supply on the continent, especially […]

What Might You Be Missing If You Hire People You Like? By Sarah Fitzgerald, Managing Director

It is a fact that we all make up our mind about somebody within the first 5 to 8 minutes of meeting them.  Whether this is face to face, by Skype or on the telephone, in an interview in particular, human nature causes us to make up our mind about a potential future hire really […]

EiA – Gold Sponsors of AFSIC 2019 in London 8-10th May

We are very proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the 7th Annual AFSIC event which is being held May 8-10th 2019 in London.  This is probably the biggest investment event focused solely on Africa and more than 100 attendees from over 40 countries are expected to be many connections to build their business on […]

Is Africa Capitalizing on Disruptive Technologies? By Nicki Halle, Search Consultant

Disruptive technology is transforming Africa’s economic potential, creating new focus markets and unparalleled consumer choice.  There has been an explosion in the quantity and variety of data available in Africa, produced either as a by-product of digital services, or from sensors, drones, satellites etc.  Forward-thinking organisations are approaching disruptive transformations more strategically to gain competitive […]

Pulling Apart Leadership Competencies: Part 1 – Strategic Thinking

One of the key Behavioural Competencies we are asked to find when undertaking a Search for a critical leadership role based in Africa is ‘Strategic Thinking’.  However, what does this actually mean?   Next time you are in a Senior Management or Board Meeting, if you ask everyone to define what strategic thinking is, you will […]

Recruiting for Africa – From South Africa to the UK

Andrea Flint has recently joined the Executives in Africa team having relocated from South Africa earlier in 2018.  She never imagined she would land a job in the UK which would enable her to keep her links to the continent as well as stretch her professionally.  Here’s her story of how she made the journey […]

African Art Exhibition & PfA October Networking Event

Being a part of the PfA is exciting and arriving at any event combines eager anticipation with many questions usually starting with – have I got enough business cards to share with these impressive professionals, who, like me, are African but have made London their current home? Stepping out of the taxi on Holborn Viaduct […]

Chinese Influence in Africa – Fair or Foul?

In terms of sheer numbers, as the biggest global investor in the continent, the impact of China on Africa can only be seen as positive….mostly? So what is the scale? In two decades China has become Africa’s most important economic partner. In trade terms China is as big as the next three (almost four) countries […]