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How do you find the right leader to deliver sustainable growth in Africa?
The greatest demand for talent over the last year has been for leaders who can scale businesses. Executives in Africa are an award-winning Search Firm who specialise purely on senior management roles based across the continent. Having delivered over 750 Searches across 42 countries in Africa, they really are expert when it comes to human […]
Are your Managers playing Hiring Russian Roulette?
We all know that accessing High Potential candidates at Senior Management Level is critical for succession planning for your leaders of the future. But are your Hiring Managers effectively playing Hiring Russian Roulette in their most important job; the recruitment, development and retention of your organisation’s most important asset, your people? When deciding on a […]
What opportunities do the Youth of Africa present? Elizabeth Bintloff, CEO, Junior Achievement Africa, shares her thoughts
One of the challenges I face when I talk to people outside of our mission space about the subject of youth in Africa is that there is not always a clear understanding of who Africa’s youth are. The media and other sources frame our assumptions about all youth, and for African youth especially, the references […]
Business in Africa is on Fire – Hire Leaders to Fuel Your Momentum
Africa will soon have the fastest urbanization rate in the world and by 2034 African countries will have a larger workforce than China or India, with job creation currently outpacing growth in the labour force*. With business spending expected to grow 35% to $3.5 trillion by 2025, the six big growth opportunity areas are expected […]
Ethiopia, Land of Opportunity or Challenges? Keith Veir shares his experience
Ethiopia is a nation rich in culture, tradition, history and a remarkable mountain landscape. Rising 2,300 meters above sea level, the nation’s capital Addis Ababa, has made advancements in infrastructure, airport, rail transportation and hydroelectric dam development. Statistically, the economic and population growth of Ethiopia appears to offer significant opportunity for foreign investments in many […]
How the 2017 Cambridge Africa Conference inspired attendees to ‘Make an Impact’ in Africa
This year’s Cambridge Africa Business Network (CABN) Conference had a real buzz about it. Run by a team from the Judge Business School each year, the annual event has become one of the leading Africa Conferences in the UK each year and provides entrepreneurs an ideal opportunity to network with Cambridge University students and alumni, important […]
Understanding Mobile Money opportunities and how businesses are using them. By Greg Reeve, Founding Partner of MFX
Mobile Money is one of the generic terms for the ability to provide a number of financial services to customers, delivered by the phone. More than half a billion Mobile Money accounts were registered as of the end of 2016, with more than 170 million active accounts around the globe. People can use a Mobile […]
First Impressions are Critical – are you using Search as a PR tool for your Corporate Brand? By David Pinney, Executive Search Consultant
Is your recruitment process damaging or enhancing your corporate brand? In today’s competitive market, corporate image is a key strategic element in delivering growth and success in the local market. Have you ever considered how your recruitment process, and perhaps even more importantly, how the recruitment partner you choose to represent your company externally in […]
Finding Business Leaders for emerging sectors – Read our Case Study on how we searched globally for a COO based in Tanzania for an Investment Company.
Case Study – Finding a COO for an Investment Company in Tanzania An Investment Company which works in partnership between governments, private companies and development partners to provide tangible improvements to Africa’s investment climate, required an East African National with a unique combination of skills. The Situation Based in Tanzania, a need arose for a […]
Is Tanzania’s President the new role-model for African countries? By Emily Bralee, Research Associate, Executives in Africa
The son of a peasant farmer and successful previous Minister of Works, John Magufuli, became President with 58% of the people’s vote following a bruising election in 2015. He is known as ‘the bulldozer’ for his no-nonsense and abrasive style, which, together with his claimed peasant farmer family background, has enhanced his popularity. His election […]