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African Art Exhibition & PfA October Networking Event

Being a part of the PfA is exciting and arriving at any event combines eager anticipation with many questions usually starting with – have I got enough business cards to share with these impressive professionals, who, like me, are African but have made London their current home? Stepping out of the taxi on Holborn Viaduct […]

Finding Business Leaders for emerging sectors – Read our Case Study on how we searched globally for a COO based in Tanzania for an Investment Company.

Case Study – Finding a COO for an Investment Company in Tanzania An Investment Company which works in partnership between governments, private companies and development partners to provide tangible improvements to Africa’s investment climate, required an East African National with a unique combination of skills. The Situation Based in Tanzania, a need arose for a […]

Judge Business School – Africa Business Network Conference 2016: How can Africa be transformed to create value and to drive consumption?

Over 150 Students, Alumni and Business Leaders from or with an interest in the African Continent attended 5th African Business Network annual conference at the Cambridge University Judge Business School at the end of May.  This year the main theme was how Africa could be transformed to create value and to drive consumption – a […]