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How does the candidate experience impact employer brand? By Sarah Benson, Search Consultant

“By the year 2020, customer service will overtake price and product as the key differentiator between brands. And 80% of surveyed consumers say that small businesses provide better service than larger companies.” When most of us think about the customers of the recruitment industry we are more likely to refer to clients – after all […]

Ethiopia, Land of Opportunity or Challenges? Keith Veir shares his experience

Ethiopia is a nation rich in culture, tradition, history and a remarkable mountain landscape.  Rising 2,300 meters above sea level, the nation’s capital Addis Ababa, has made advancements in infrastructure, airport, rail transportation and hydroelectric dam development.  Statistically, the economic and population growth of Ethiopia appears to offer significant opportunity for foreign investments in many […]

Growth Later vs Growth Now – Can Interim assistance in Africa deliver real value?

As a Managing Director who has launched and developed 6 different businesses in Africa I have worked with EiA in several different capacities. I have been a potential candidate, I have worked for CEOs they have placed and I have been on the client side a number of times.  While I would wholeheartedly endorse their […]

CSR: EiA supports Duncan Ward’s trip to South Africa on Mellon Educate’s 2017 Building Blitz

Earlier this year Duncan Ward, Account Director at Oracle UK was introduced to the Mellon Educate charity by Dermot O’Kelly, Managing Director.  Dermot was telling Duncan and a group of his colleagues about Mellon Educate, the great work they do in Africa, and his ambition to get a group of Oracle UK staff to join […]

With 70% of our hires being African Nationals, is the historic reliance on expats for leadership roles coming to an end?

The historic reliance on ex-pats for leadership roles in Africa is dwindling due to the rise of both indigenous and international companies committed to developing local talent.  By nurturing career development in high potential African talent which in turn breeds corporate loyalty, the best African nationals are generally well looked after and are therefore not […]

How to Succeed in an Interview – Fiona Rhys shares her thoughts on how to properly prepare and beat your competition

Most people would assume that senior business leaders, by the nature of them having achieved that level in their career, know how to best present their most relevant skills in an interview.  This is not necessarily true and let me demonstrate this with a situation Executives in Africa experienced a couple of years ago. We […]

Can you find me a Francophone African for Morocco? Mais oui!

The recent unpredictability of many of the English–speaking commodity-driven economies is encouraging investors to look beyond their usual markets and the Francophone markets are showing all the signs of sure investment. Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal are noted by think tank Brookings Institution as two of the most promising investment opportunities in Francophone West Africa, with […]

Hope for Angola’s Future – João Costa, Lisbon Office, shares his thoughts following the Angolan elections

In July, the fourth democratic elections of Angola took place, which resulted in the victory of the MPLA, a party that ruled Angola for 42 years, again with a majority of about 61% of the votes. As a result, former minister João Lourenço, 63, a former Defence Minister, has been appointed the third President of […]

Why invest in supply chain infrastructure? By Sarah Benson, Search Consultant

There are more than a billion people across 54 countries on a continent bigger than Europe, the USA, China and India combined, yet Africa is barely present on the map of world trade.  When the Economist published a new report on emerging Africa, “Africa Rising”, they commented that “Africa can be a hard place to […]

How to Mitigate Against ‘Failure Rate’ for Key Senior Management Hires in Africa

At Executives in Africa we believe in delivering long term value to our clients.  We are proud of the fact that 99.4% of candidates we have placed, have stayed for at least a year and the majority have gone on to be promoted and deliver quantifiable results.  That is a ‘failure rate’ of under 1%. […]