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News Archive

How do you find the right leader to deliver sustainable growth in Africa?

The greatest demand for talent over the last year has been for leaders who can scale businesses. Executives in Africa are an award-winning Search Firm who specialise purely on senior management roles based across the continent.  Having delivered over 750 Searches across 42 countries in Africa, they really are expert when it comes to human […]

From In-House Recruiter to Executive Search – A Unique Insight into Your Recruitment Challenges

We are excited to announce that Steve Hasson has recently joined the Executives in Africa team.  A Zimbabwean by birth, educated in both Zimbabwe and South Africa, and with nearly ten years’ experience recruiting senior level hires for PZ Cussons in Africa (and globally), Steve has already had a positive impact on the EiA team, enabling […]

Is Africa Capitalizing on Disruptive Technologies? By Nicki Halle, Search Consultant

Disruptive technology is transforming Africa’s economic potential, creating new focus markets and unparalleled consumer choice.  There has been an explosion in the quantity and variety of data available in Africa, produced either as a by-product of digital services, or from sensors, drones, satellites etc.  Forward-thinking organisations are approaching disruptive transformations more strategically to gain competitive […]

Is Now the Time to Invest in Top Technical Talent?

10 years ago we didn’t have the iPad, Alexa and WhatsApp and even Instagram wasn’t invented – we could just eat our food, without photographing it! The acceleration in technology over recent years is encouraging innovation and new working methods within many sectors, from medical treatment through to data management.  With this has come a […]

The Artificial Intelligence Invasion is Coming to Africa!

Did you, like me, use to think Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a trivial sci- fi concept?  Are you now hearing it being mentioned by serious people and you aren’t entirely sure what it is?  Well we are in the same position but I hope can give you a very layman’s guide to why it is […]

Workforce Planning and how to reduce ‘emergency hires’

Time to Hire, Cost per Hire, Hiring Failure Rates, Stay Rates, Attrition Rates, the list goes on… The future?  It’s all about Workforce Planning (WFP)  Get this right and the talk of woe around the above KPI’s are maybe not a thing of the past but should become a measure of satisfaction and improvement rather […]

Business in Africa is on Fire – Hire Leaders to Fuel Your Momentum

Africa will soon have the fastest urbanization rate in the world and by 2034 African countries will have a larger workforce than China or India, with job creation currently outpacing growth in the labour force*.  With business spending expected to grow 35% to $3.5 trillion by 2025, the six big growth opportunity areas are expected […]

Ethiopia, Land of Opportunity or Challenges? Keith Veir shares his experience

Ethiopia is a nation rich in culture, tradition, history and a remarkable mountain landscape.  Rising 2,300 meters above sea level, the nation’s capital Addis Ababa, has made advancements in infrastructure, airport, rail transportation and hydroelectric dam development.  Statistically, the economic and population growth of Ethiopia appears to offer significant opportunity for foreign investments in many […]

What were the most read articles of 2017 and what would you like to hear more about?

Over the last 12 months Executives in Africa has shared a myriad of articles with our Clients and Candidates via our monthly mailer.  Topics have ranged from the latest news articles and changes in the political, social and economic climate across the African continent, to sector specific highlights across a broad range of industries, as […]

How to Succeed in an Interview – Fiona Rhys shares her thoughts on how to properly prepare and beat your competition

Most people would assume that senior business leaders, by the nature of them having achieved that level in their career, know how to best present their most relevant skills in an interview.  This is not necessarily true and let me demonstrate this with a situation Executives in Africa experienced a couple of years ago. We […]