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News Archive
How do you Scale Quality?
The skill in biggest demand from Executive in Africa’s clients is the leadership capability to scale a business. Africa is home to seven of the ten fastest growing economies in the world, and is one of the most desirable investment destinations. The business landscape has been rapidly changing due to increased regional mobility, rapid urbanisation […]
What questions should you be asking in order to select the most appropriate firm to run your Search in Africa?
As the adverse economic conditions that have affected the major African economies begin to show the ‘green shoots of recovery’ and the other smaller emerging countries continue to thrive, the competition for top managerial talent remain as intense as ever across Africa. In addition, the trend for localisation continues to gather momentum and this is […]
”The long journey home: the challenges a returnee can face on their way back to Africa”
“Would you consider a role back in Africa?” asked the Executive Search Consultant. Adeolu couldn’t believe her ears. Had all her carefully planned career moves finally paid off? Whilst she was always hearing at conferences that there was high demand for Africans in the Diaspora, especially those with multinational experience, it hadn’t actually been that […]
Why invest in supply chain infrastructure? By Sarah Benson, Search Consultant
There are more than a billion people across 54 countries on a continent bigger than Europe, the USA, China and India combined, yet Africa is barely present on the map of world trade. When the Economist published a new report on emerging Africa, “Africa Rising”, they commented that “Africa can be a hard place to […]
How to Mitigate Against ‘Failure Rate’ for Key Senior Management Hires in Africa
At Executives in Africa we believe in delivering long term value to our clients. We are proud of the fact that 99.4% of candidates we have placed, have stayed for at least a year and the majority have gone on to be promoted and deliver quantifiable results. That is a ‘failure rate’ of under 1%. […]
Adebola Omololu, the CEO of Afriscaper, an Africa-focused Infrastructure & Real Estate Funding Platform, discusses the huge potential of crowdfunding for investment opportunities in this sector
Real Estate & Infrastructure Crowdfunding has established itself as a major game changer where the larger Real Estate industry is concerned. Crowdfunding involves the pooling of funds by multiple investors in a project. This form of crowdfunding is different from ‘rewards-based’ or ‘venture crowdfunding’ in terms of how investments are made, the kind of potential […]
The Challenge of Unconscious Bias
Let’s start with a riddle. A Father and Son are involved in a car accident. The Father dies at the scene, whilst his son is taken to hospital for surgery. The surgeon comes into the operating theatre, looks at the boy and says: “I can’t operate on this boy because he is my son.” So […]
Talent Scarcity in Emerging Industries and How to Overcome It
Emerging and rapidly developing industries and sectors, such as Technologies, Real Estate and Renewables are fast becoming strong contributors to the success of economies across the African continent. Critical to their continued success is the human capital driving the expansion, but this talent is in scarce supply on the continent, especially if your company is […]
Can Companies find good quality African candidates?
We believe we can have a positive and lasting impact on Africa through helping our clients find the very best leaders for their businesses. However, being a UK-based Search Firm, clients sometimes assume that this means that we mainly place expats into leadership roles. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Analysis of successful hires […]
Does your Executive Search Firm visit you?
As the world’s largest Executive Search team with a pure focus on Africa, we believe it is critical to spend time on the continent to visit our clients, experience their office environments, and get a proper understanding of the cultural and personality requirements which work in a particular organisation. This is the same for Search […]