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Growth Later vs Growth Now – Can Interim assistance in Africa deliver real value?
As a Managing Director who has launched and developed 6 different businesses in Africa I have worked with EiA in several different capacities. I have been a potential candidate, I have worked for CEOs they have placed and I have been on the client side a number of times. While I would wholeheartedly endorse their […]
CEO, Pay TV – Tanzania
A large Tanzanian Group which was committed to diversifying into the Pay TV sector sought a high calibre and experienced Pay TV expert from anywhere in the world, to be hired within an exceptionally tight time frame. The planned launch date was in just three months.
Joe Thompson, Sea Scout, reports back from his trip to Tanzania
I just wanted to write to say thank you very much for the donation which supported me to go to Tanzania. Please pass on my thanks to all your employees and network members who also contributed – without their help I would have struggled to get my total. I had an amazing time in Tanzania. […]
Understanding Mobile Money opportunities and how businesses are using them. By Greg Reeve, Founding Partner of MFX
Mobile Money is one of the generic terms for the ability to provide a number of financial services to customers, delivered by the phone. More than half a billion Mobile Money accounts were registered as of the end of 2016, with more than 170 million active accounts around the globe. People can use a Mobile […]
Finding Business Leaders for emerging sectors – Read our Case Study on how we searched globally for a COO based in Tanzania for an Investment Company.
Case Study – Finding a COO for an Investment Company in Tanzania An Investment Company which works in partnership between governments, private companies and development partners to provide tangible improvements to Africa’s investment climate, required an East African National with a unique combination of skills. The Situation Based in Tanzania, a need arose for a […]
Is Tanzania’s President the new role-model for African countries? By Emily Bralee, Research Associate, Executives in Africa
The son of a peasant farmer and successful previous Minister of Works, John Magufuli, became President with 58% of the people’s vote following a bruising election in 2015. He is known as ‘the bulldozer’ for his no-nonsense and abrasive style, which, together with his claimed peasant farmer family background, has enhanced his popularity. His election […]
East Africa’s role in the Global LNG Race – will Mozambique and Tanzania be able to Capitalise on the Domestic Potential? By David Pinney, Search Consultant
Executives in Africa have been paying close attention to the discovery of LNG in East Africa throughout 2016 in the light of global uncertainty. It is remarkable how quickly East Africa, specifically Mozambique and Tanzania, have become the primary focus of attention as a source of a new global gas supply. This is very exciting […]
My $600,000 mistake and how you can avoid it. By John Agnew
I write this specifically for you and I am one of you. That’s assuming that you are a business owner, Managing Director or HR professional engaged in an African market with turnover of anywhere from $500k to $500M. I am not a recruitment industry professional and I don’t have any plans to become one. I […]
Launch of a Pan African Passport – A step forward or more EU-style woe? By Tunde Makinde, Executive Search Consultant
If Britain’s exit of the EU has been coined ‘Brexit’ what will the progress the African Union is making eventually be called? The United States of Africa? July 2016 saw the potentially significant launch of an electronic passport intended to allow free movement among all 54 markets in the region at the African Union summit […]