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News Archive

Chinese Influence in Africa – Fair or Foul?

In terms of sheer numbers, as the biggest global investor in the continent, the impact of China on Africa can only be seen as positive….mostly? So what is the scale? In two decades China has become Africa’s most important economic partner. In trade terms China is as big as the next three (almost four) countries […]

‘Nigeria is potentially more politically stable than the US’… Richard Putley, MD reports back on thought provoking statements from the AFSIC 2018 Conference

“Nigeria is potentially more politically stable than the US….” This comment was made by one of the speakers at the recent AFSIC event which I attended with other members of the EiA Team at the beginning of May.  Whilst his intention was to raise a smile in the audience, on reflection, a number of the […]

Ethiopia, Land of Opportunity or Challenges? Keith Veir shares his experience

Ethiopia is a nation rich in culture, tradition, history and a remarkable mountain landscape.  Rising 2,300 meters above sea level, the nation’s capital Addis Ababa, has made advancements in infrastructure, airport, rail transportation and hydroelectric dam development.  Statistically, the economic and population growth of Ethiopia appears to offer significant opportunity for foreign investments in many […]

”The long journey home: the challenges a returnee can face on their way back to Africa”

“Would you consider a role back in Africa?” asked the Executive Search Consultant.  Adeolu couldn’t believe her ears.  Had all her carefully planned career moves finally paid off? Whilst she was always hearing at conferences that there was high demand for Africans in the Diaspora, especially those with multinational experience, it hadn’t actually been that […]

Why invest in supply chain infrastructure? By Sarah Benson, Search Consultant

There are more than a billion people across 54 countries on a continent bigger than Europe, the USA, China and India combined, yet Africa is barely present on the map of world trade.  When the Economist published a new report on emerging Africa, “Africa Rising”, they commented that “Africa can be a hard place to […]

How the 2017 Cambridge Africa Conference inspired attendees to ‘Make an Impact’ in Africa

This year’s Cambridge Africa Business Network (CABN) Conference had a real buzz about it.  Run by a team from the Judge Business School each year, the annual event has become one of the leading Africa Conferences in the UK each year and provides entrepreneurs an ideal opportunity to network with Cambridge University students and alumni, important […]

Finding Business Leaders for emerging sectors – Read our Case Study on how we searched globally for a COO based in Tanzania for an Investment Company.

Case Study – Finding a COO for an Investment Company in Tanzania An Investment Company which works in partnership between governments, private companies and development partners to provide tangible improvements to Africa’s investment climate, required an East African National with a unique combination of skills. The Situation Based in Tanzania, a need arose for a […]

Trumpism and Africa – Is Trump’s Policy on Africa likely to be Non-Existent? – Graham Palfery-Smith, Board Advisor

According to a November CNN headline, ‘Trump’s policy on Africa is likely to be non-existent’ and it is, sadly, hard to disagree.  What might the impact of this ‘non-policy’ be? There is little doubt that the so-called ‘sixth region’ of Africa, that is the Diaspora of African descent recognised as such by the African Union, […]

What Trump could mean for Africa – Graham Palfery-Smith, Board Advisor

However unpalatable some of us might find it there is a very real possibility that Donald Trump could be the next President of the United States and ergo the most powerful man in the world. What might this mean in practical terms for Africa? Aside from the prosaic – some celebrities, such as Samuel L […]